By Ainomugisha Bruce
Mbarara City North has been gripped with early campaigns of people interested in Mbarara City North currently led by Hon Robert Mwesigwa Rukaari.
According to the research, people still have trust in their MP. They say at least what he has done in two years can be evident that their MP is working hard and he is matching their expectations, several projects that he continues to run have greatly improved the welfare of his people.
Thank you so much Dr Rukaari for working to the expectations of your people. They say so far the ones who have shown interest in coming like, Rutare the son of Rutahigwa has a very bad character and behavior, their family history hurt very many Mbarara City Residents, they continue to say its time to reward him by not giving him any vote.
Mr Rutare Rutahigwa is a very big money lender in Kampala.
Disclaimer: The Opinions expressed in this article are not for editors or owners of this media site but for Ainomugisha Bruce.