Go Perish In Hell With Your Gayism, Not Even Your Threats Can Shake Us: Uganda Fires Back To US & Homosexuality Funders

By Our Reporter

Uganda on Tuesday condemned the Western response to the East African country’s new anti-LGBTQ law, considered one of the harshest in the world, and said sanctions threats from donors amounted to “blackmail.”

The law signed by President Yoweri Museveni carries the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality,” an offense that includes transmitting HIV through gay sex.

Its enactment, announced on Monday, drew immediate rebukes from shameless Western governments that have since threatened not to fund Uganda anymore not until it allows promotion of evil homosexuality acts.

U.S. President Joe Biden threatened aid cuts and other sanctions, while Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the government would consider visa restrictions against Ugandan officials.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the law would impact Uganda’s ties with international partners.

Now, in the Ugandan government’s first detailed comments since Museveni signed the law, Information Minister Chris Baryomunsi rejected the condemnation.

“We do not consider homosexuality as a constitutional right. It is just a sexual deviation which we do not promote as Ugandans and Africans,” he said.

“While we appreciate the support we get from partners, they must be reminded that we are a sovereign country and we do not legislate for the Western world. We legislate for our own people here in Uganda. So that kind of blackmail is not acceptable.”


  1. Shameless US Gov’t Bans Speaker Among Travels Over Assented Anti Homosexuality Law
  2. Breaking: Museveni Signs Anti-Homosexuality Law, ”Eat Bisiyaga & Rot In Jail”

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Ssemakula Joseph May 31, 2023 at 6:24 am

Nayë mu7 muyaye he wants money
But fear z to pass the law okitegela

ATIKU WILLIAM AMADEO May 31, 2023 at 7:15 am

Congratulations Uganda. If the rest of Africans can emulate what our genius President has done, we shall protect our African moral virtues and preserve our natural resources. We might not have enough technology to discover, extract and process these minerals but it’s just a matter of time. Africa is rich and peaceful, don’t let imperialism to control our countries.
If they are rich, let them thank God, but we can survive without their bloody money.
For God and my country.

Muyeti Keefa Wakubona May 31, 2023 at 10:46 am

Let the Western world be reminded that the Motto of Uganda is, “For God and my country”

As Ugandans we put the Almighty God first then other things follow Matthew 6:33.

Whatever God hates, we too as Ugandans hate it.

If God be for us, who can be against us??

Magambo Benifancio May 31, 2023 at 11:06 am

We are Ugandans AGodly fearing standing country our God will stand for us,Psalms 24:1–.poor,parasitic and lunatic rediculus Western countries die and rot u people. Muzei ooye

Deus May 31, 2023 at 11:36 am

How I hate that nosense! Mwelimba you’ll not force us to sin against God. We can survive without you mbwamwe. Agayaye agaAmerica

Simon May 31, 2023 at 6:40 pm

When did these Americans start thinking that they’re the Alpha and Omega for all development programs????? Most of our African projects have been implemented by the East Asian countries and I’m moved to believe that we’re right to align ourselves with Chinese money, Russia and India should come and partner with us in all development programs.
We are Uganda
We love our country
We won’t be intimidated
#ForGod&Our country.

Patrick June 1, 2023 at 6:31 pm

We should stand firm as ugandans . Evil people shall perish and we shall settle in tbeir land.
Let us be prayful and God will drive a way those evil practices a d people.
Our enemies shall come in one direction but God shall scatter them in seven direction
For God and my country


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