By Frank Kamuntu
Ugandans using herbal viagra dubbed Elo-Enjoy are putting their lives at high risk, according to National Drug Authority (NDA)’s mouthpiece, Mr. Abiaz Rwamwiri.
Swift Daily News has learnt that this drug which has never been approved by NDA is manufactured by a one pharmacist Dr. Stephen Lutoti through his company of Eloi-pharm (U) Ltd, also the manufacturers of Elcof, Elodiastop, and Elocid Triple Action.

The above has been confirmed by Mr Rwamwiri who says this drug is illegally being sold since it was not approved by NDA.
“Drugs of potency must not be promoted to the public without NDA approval even if they have NDA license! Our post-market surveillance had already captured this and our enforcement teams will swing into action soon,” Says Rwamwiri.
This site has also learnt that this drug is fetched from Lutoti’s swanky stores in Kaleerwe, Gayaza road at AM Legacy Plaza and distributed to various pharmacies and drug shops countrywide.
“The maker also made alarming claims that the product can solve erectile dysfunction and increase water in women –these claims are far-fetched. So we changed that the product helps to improve male and female vitality,” Rwamizi said, before adding; “The main problem has been sneaking the product to the market before it is approved and after the regulation it confuses the public.”
Under the present legal framework, the National Drug Authority is mandated to protect and promote human and animal health through the effective regulation of drugs and healthcare products.