Your Beef Aside, Go On Stage & We See Who Is Who: Victoria University Stages Long Awaited Hottest Battle Between Cindy & Sheebah

By Frank Kamuntu

Ugandans are in excitement mode after mighty Victoria University announced that they are to stage Uganda’s hottest music battle between rival artists; Sheebah Karungi aka the ‘Queen’ and Cindy Sanyu aka ‘the King herself’.

During a press conference held today at Victoria University, along Jinja Road, Vice Chancellor Dr Lawrnce Muganga announced that they are stagging the two ‘music eagles’ as one of the ways they can ‘future-proof education through art.’

Dr Muganga confirmed the two artists were both contacted and affirmed their participation in the musical battle to determine who is Uganda’s best female musician.

Courtesy Photo: Victoria University VC Dr Lawrence Muganga Addressing Journalists On Tuesday 1st August 2023

“As an institution deeply committed to advancing our nation, we see the immense potential in harnessing the energy exhibited by these exceptional artists into a meaningful and constructive direction for the country. This foundation has inspired us to challenge Queen Sheebah Karungi and ‘The King Herself’ Cindy Sanyu to engage in a productive Musical Battle, especially in light of recent media discussions,” noted Muganga.

“Each of the Artists was contacted individually, after what we saw in the media. Each of them, on their own terms, has accepted the challenge. “The Musical Battle will be held on September 15, 2023, at Kololo Airstrip. This will then be considered the Yolo Festival.”

He added that this will be held a day after the University’s 7th Graduation Ceremony and the Vusi MasterClass at Kololo Airstrip on September 14, 2023.

“We are eager to bring together art, education, and business in a harmonious symphony that will shape the future of our nation. Through collaborations like the proposed Musical Battle, Graduation Ceremony, and MasterClass, we can create a dynamic ecosystem that empowers individuals to thrive and contribute to the betterment of our society.”

More About The MasterClass

The University will be hosting the international business entrepreneur, venture capitalist, best-selling author, renowned entrepreneur, and global business speaker Mr. Vusi Thembekwayoat Kololo to tip Ugandans on how to succeed. According to Dr Muganga, this alone will attract over 2000 guests.

For some of you who don’t know Vusi, he was named one of the top 12 speakers in the world by MeetinpsNet for his inspirational and transformational impact on businesses. He is the go-to guy for many CEOs and Executives navigating disruption and change.

The University says this event will be hosted under the theme; ”Adapt Or Perish: Innovate For Survival” and those interested to attend will be paying as little as; Ugx200,000 for ordinary, Ugx3m for Gold, Ugx5m for VIP. READ MORE: Time To Innovate For Survival: Mighty Victoria University To Host International Entrepreneur Thembekwayo For A Masterclass At Kololo Airstrip

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