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Opinion: Key Role Of Hajjat Namyalo & ONC In Ensuring President Museveni’s Victory In 2026 

By Brian Keitira

As Uganda gears up for the highly anticipated 2026 General Elections, the National Resistance Movement (NRM) and its President, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, are strategically positioning themselves for a successful outcome. Central to this strategy is the influential role of Hajjat Hadijjah Namyalo Uzeiye, the head of the National Chairman’s Office NRM. In this detailed analysis, i explore the reasons behind the belief that President Museveni will secure victory in 2026, thanks to his powerful political assistant on Political Affairs Hajjat Hadijjah Namyalo Uzeiye the head of NRM National Chairman’s Office.

Political Experience and Expertise:

Hajjat Hadijjah Namyalo Uzeiye’s extensive political experience and expertise make her a valuable asset to President Museveni and the NRM. As the head of the National Chairman’s Office NRM, she holds a prominent position within the party hierarchy. Her deep knowledge of political dynamics, ability to strategize, and strong networks across the country make her an instrumental force in steering the NRM towards success in the upcoming elections.

She’s a tested cadre in the politics of Uganda even since 2016 and she has helped the president to massively mobilise his Bazzukulu countrywide. This has brought President Museveni closer to the youth than ever before.No wonder now the opposition Youth now love Jajja and are commanding him to be on the ballot again in 2026.

Grassroots Mobilization:

A key factor in winning elections is a strong grassroots presence. Hajjat Hadijjah Namyalo Uzeiye, and her team at the National Chairman Office NRM, have implemented effective strategies for grassroots mobilization. By appointing trusted individuals as Bazzukulu and coordinators country wide with deep roots in local communities, they have established strong connections and networks, ensuring that the National Resistance Movement’s message resonates with people on the ground.

This grassroots approach enables widespread support for President Museveni and the NRM, enhancing their chances of victory come 2026.

Youth Outreach and Empowerment:

Engaging with the youth is crucial for political success, and Hajjat Hadijjah Namyalo Uzeiye understands this well. Her efforts focus on empowering and including the youth in the political process. Through various initiatives, such as mentorship programs, skill development initiatives, economic empowerment of the underprivileged through giving out items like sewing machines,modern brick laying machines, goats, farm inputs,farming tools, etc they provide platforms for the youth to actively contribute to NRM’s agenda. By effectively targeting this demographic, President Museveni and the NRM build a strong foundation of support for the 2026 elections.

Inclusive Governance and Development:

Inclusive governance and development have been hallmarks of President Museveni’s leadership. The National Chairman’s Office NRM under the able leadership of the indefatigable Hajjat Hadijjah plays a vital role in ensuring that this commitment is recognized and delivered across the country. Through strategic political appointments, she ensures representation from all regions, tribes, and demographics. This inclusive approach fosters a sense of belonging and demonstrates the NRM’s commitment to addressing the needs of all Ugandans, fostering support for President Museveni’s re-election bid.In addition to this,all the Cadres that has shunned the party have now come back and are willing to traverse all the villages countrywide to ensure NRM’S party chairman bounces back in 2026.

Campaign Coordination and Strategy:

The coordination of campaign activities and strategy is crucial for a successful electoral campaign. Hajjat Hadijjah Namyalo Uzeiye’s excellent organizational skills, coupled with the National Chairman’s Office oversight, ensure efficient campaign planning and execution. By implementing targeted messaging, harnessing technological advancements, and maximizing the use of social media and other communication platforms, they effectively disseminate the NRM’s vision and achievements to a wide audience. This has been made possible by empowering Vibrant and passionate Bazzukulu in the media docket like Hakim Kyeswa, Kintu Moses, David Balinda,Alex Masereka,Kalema Goerge William and many others. This strategic approach enhances President Museveni’s visibility and his chances of securing victory in the 2026 General Elections.

In Conclusion, Hajjat Hadijjah Namyalo Uzeiye’s powerful political presence and strategic approach at the National Chairman’s Office is poised to secure President Museveni’s victory in the 2026 General Elections. Through her political experience, grassroots mobilization efforts, focus on youth outreach and empowerment, commitment to inclusive governance, and effective campaign coordination, Hajjat Hadijjah Namyalo Uzeiye strengthens the NRM’s position and amplifies President Museveni’s electoral prospects. As Uganda’s political landscape evolves, it is clear that President Museveni and the NRM have a powerful ally in Hajjat Hadijjah Namyalo Uzeiye paving the way for a successful bid for re-election in 2026.

The writer is a carder & works with Office Of The National Chairman – NRM.

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