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”We’re Coming Up With A Swanky Campus To Host Over 20k Students”-Muganga Reveals As Victoria University Inaugurates 4th Council

By Frank Kamuntu

Victoria University Vice Chancellor Prof Lawrence Muganga has revealed that soon the University will unveil a mega campus that will accommodate thousands of students from various parts of the world. 

He revealed the above at the 4th inauguration ceremony of the new council members, an event held at Victoria University’s main auditorium on Friday.

The 15 lucky members who will be serving on the university council include;

Mr. Joram Francis Kahenano the Council Chairperson, Dr. Biribonwa N. Joseph, the Vice Chairperson, Business tycoon Rajiv Ruparelia who doubles as the University co-director, Dr. Lawrence Muganga also Vice Chancellor, city journalist Andrew Mwenda, Assoc. Prof. Consolata Kabonesa, Mr. James Kalebbo, Mr. Jay Sakaria, Dr. Mary Kanyiginya

Others are; Mr. Sameer Thakkar, Mr. Rashid Ssemambo, H.E. Carter Jorine Karyn who also doubles as the guild leader, Ms. Amanya Barbara Lynn, Ms. Ampaire Juliet, Mrs. M. G. Katusabe – Ssemwezi also a University secretary.

At this event, Muganga noted that the Chairperson of the Board of Directors has already approved the allocation of prime land in the heart of Kampala to construct Victoria University’s swanky campus, targeting to be with over 20,000 students by 2026.

”Architectural designs are currently being crafted with passion and precision, and within five years, we expect to open the doors of Victoria University’s permanent home. This milestone is not just about a new location’s a symbol of our growth, stability, and future aspirations,” said Muganga.

He added that the University is now set to become a global university, a beacon of academic excellence that draws students, educators, and researchers from every corner of the world.

”We aim to build a reputation of not just local or regional relevance but global significance, ensuring that every student who passes through our gates is equipped with a truly international education,” he said.

He cautioned the newly inaugurated members of the 4th University Council, that roles are not just titles, but they come with the profound responsibility of steering this ship towards its ambitious future.

”I urge you to guide us with wisdom, creativity, and a forward-thinking mindset,” said Muganga adding; ”I encourage you to be the champions of change, the advocates for innovation, and the pillars of support that this institution will lean on as we start on this ambitious journey.”

With Victoria University, Numbers Don’t Lie!

In 2017, the University began with a humble cohort of 181 students. By 2018, it maintained steady ground with 180 students. The subsequent year, 2019, saw a slight uptick, hosting 274 eager learners.

As 2020 dawned, university numbers reached 231. It’s from here that the University administration came up with a Change Plan (Connecting Authentic Learning with Impact) and as a result of this, in 2021, a total of 1,232 students believed in Victoria University’s vision.

Not only the above, by 2022, the above number magnified to 3,020, and as of 2023, this university is an academic home of about 6000 students.

”To put it into perspective, that is a staggering 2,357% increase in student enrollment from 2020 to 2023 – an achievement we owe to our collective efforts and the trust our students place in us,” said Muganga adding;

”However, our story does not end with numbers. Over the years, we’ve achieved milestones that have positioned Victoria University at the vanguard of higher education in Uganda.”

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