IMG 20231110 WA0101

Bugisu Youths Appeal For Reinstatement Of Hon. Irene Muloni In Cabinet

By Frank Kamuntu 

A section of youths from Bugisu Subregion under their umbrella association of ‘Bugisu Youths Front’ have inked a letter to HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to consider the workaholic former Cabinet Minister for Energy and Minerals in his government.

Below Is Bagisu’s Appeal To Museveni 

“Dear President Museveni,

We, the Bugisu youths under our association of bamasaba youths front which is a uniting umbrella us all the youths in both Uganda and kenya respectfully bring to your attention our heartfelt observation and concern which has totally left us in a dilemma.

Your Excellency during the last elections you won the election, bamasaba supported you because you have always been supportive and in most of your documentaries you always quote bamasaba as people who also fully supported the NRA revolution.

This time round we felt rejected by you, currently we are the only sub region with almost nothing beneficial to our people in terms of national cake allocation.

Our sub region doesn’t have any strong person who can reach our challenges or views to you, those in position have little to say and they only have to bend low to protect their bread.

Our sub region fully supports the NRM ideology, we have qualified and committed personnel who can serve both the government and the people of Uganda and masabaland but your Excellency you have totally turned your back on us.

Our people are always blackmailed and at times dropped from their positions, with or without proof, we lost a position of the Director REA where our own Eng Welishe was dropped just because someone thought that he could be a threat to his or her political career, the investigation went on and we finally lost the position and upto now the report which pins him has never been seen.

Hon Irene Muloni who is a professional Electrical Engineer and also our only hope we had during her time as a minister was still fought, blackmailed and later lost her position due to black mail and fake accusations which were later found out to be malicious and a hoax. Our sub region lost such a great pillar and since her removal the sub region detoriated and for this one your Excellency we request for her reinstatement in Cabinet.

Hon. Muloni is known for her commendable service, every one knows that she was unjustly removed from her position due to alleged blackmail. We believe in her hard work and the positive impact she brought to our community.

Hon. Muloni’s dedicated service and numerous accomplishments during her tenure reflect her commitment to the well-being of our region.

As Bugisu youths, we stand united in demanding thorough and impartial investigations into accusations always put against our people before removing them.

We appreciate your consideration of our plea and trust that your leadership will uphold justice and fairness in addressing this matter. Our community remains hopeful that you will hear our voices and act in the best interest of justice and the well-being of the Bugisu region.

NRM is our party, it’s our hope and you are the president everyone believes in and would wish to work with.

Your love for national building and ensuring that each and every Ugandan should enjoy this government should always be carried on.

We as the bagisu love you and will always yearn for more from your wisdoms to build a better Uganda.”

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