IMG 4349

Court Martial Sentences Four Civilians For The Murder of LC III Chairperson

By Caroline Kanshabe 

The 3 Infantry Division Court Martial (DCM) sitting at Longaroe and Nakapelimoru Sub-counties, Kotido District has sentenced four civilians for the murder of Local Council Three Chairperson of Longaroe Sub-county, Hon. Lomuria Moses, Lt Issa Mayende, Private Mwanika David and Lokol Peter.

The Division Court Martial chaired by Colonel Francis Kateraho heard that on 2 July 2023 while at Narubela village in Longaroe Sub-county, Modo John Apakoru, Lomuramoe Paul, Lomoru Lopukan and Koryang Timothy shot and killed the Local Council Three Chairperson of Longaroe Sub-county, Hon. Lomuria Moses, Lt Issa Mayende, Private Mwanika David and Lokol Peter.

The accused were each charged with four counts of Murder, contrary to Section 188 and 189 Art 22 (1) and Section 191 of the Penal Code Act and after evaluating all the evidence provided by the prosecution, the court found the accused persons guilty of the offence of murder and attempted murder.

The court convicted Modo John Apakori, Lomuriamoe Paul and Lomoru Lopukan each to 60 years imprisonment for all three counts and are to be served concurrently.

Relatedly, the court sentenced Koryang Timothy to 20 years imprisonment for unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition. Court heard that Koryang was a kingpin and leader of the gang that several occasions terrorized communities in Agago and headed raids in the Region.

Following his arrest, his gang carried out a retaliatory attack that led to the murder of four people including Lt Issa Mayende, Pte Mwanika David, Lopol Peter and Lomoria Moses in Nabela village.

Meanwhile, the Division Court Martial sentenced Pte Lokidi Peter to 65 years imprisonment on three counts of murder and five years for each of the two counts of attempted murder which are to be served concurrently.

Pte Lokidi Peter attached to the 23 Infantry Battalion in 2 Division, while on leave shot dead the Watakao LC1 Chairperson Lojale Peter, Locheng Lopiringole, Angol Lochoriathe and injured Apakuruk Longole and Akure Daniel.

The court found actions of Pte Lokidi contravened the laws of Uganda and the UPDF Code of Conduct.

The court noted that Pte Lokidi’s actions did not only tarnish the image of UPDF but were regrettable as he killed and injured the people he was supposed to protect.

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