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Kampala Parents School Ranked Among Best PLE Performers In The Country After Scooping Dozens Of 1st Grades

By Frank Kamuntu

Kampala Parents School has done it again! This after scooping dozens of first grades, ranking it among the top 2023 PLE-performing schools in the country and the very best in Kampala District.

According to the school headteacher, Daphine Kato, the results are an indicator of the quality education the school offers to pupils.

“We are happy and we thank our teachers and other stakeholders for this wonderful performance. Above all, we also dedicate these pupils to God and therefore, we prepared them well enough,” Ms Kato said.

The School in the released 2023 P.L.E results said the results were impressive and the majority of the pupils scored between 4–6 aggregates

“You know we have a challenge with accessing all the results at ago but so far, with what we have managed to gather, it is good,” Ms Kato said.

Releasing the exams yesterday, the Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) announced that the number of candidates who scored in Divisions One and Two in the 2023 exams has seen a slight decrease compared to the previous year.

However, UNEB Executive Director Daniel Odong highlighted a positive trend, noting an increase in the number of candidates achieving Division 3 and above compared to 2022 results. Overall, Mr. Odong reported that the pass rate remains consistent with last year, at 88.0%.

“A higher proportion of the 2023 candidates passed in Division 3 and above level. Overall, the performance of candidates is comparable to that of 2022,” Mr Odogo said.

Encouragingly, the examination body also registered a decline in the number of ungraded candidates in the 2023 PLE results.

“Division U (Ungraded) is awarded to candidates who have failed to reach the minimum level of performance that can be awarded at least a Division 4 They are not eligible for admission to the Senior 1 class. It should be noted that the number of candidates in Division U is quite high, at 88,269 (10.4%) and should raise concern so that they do not just add to the statistics of school drop-outs,” he said on Thursday.

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