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“The Happiest Day Of My Life Was When My Husband Died”-Woman Narrates & Explains Why! 

By Frank Kamuntu

Many people cry and become sorrowful when a spouse or a family member dies, but for Margaret, she says that she was super excited and happy after her husband died. According to her, the husband used to mistreat her and beat her up mercilessly. She didn’t experience happiness in her marriage.

She met her husband and got married at 21. When she delivered her firstborn, the husband started insulting her and beating her up for no reason. He didn’t give her time to heal after delivering. He became a professional drunkard and stopped reporting to work. He also stopped providing for the family.

Margaret had already given birth to five children now; she started doing odd jobs to buy food and pay house rent. Her husband didn’t change; he would still mistreat her. She quit the marriage several times but the husband would follow her and threaten to kill her if she doesn’t allow him to live with them.

She was stressed and would pray day and night for her husband to die for her to have peace of mind. They had stopped talking to each other and whenever she served him food he couldn’t eat. After two days she asked him whether she was sick but he didn’t reply.

The following day she left and went to work as usual, at around 1 pm her landlady called her home. On arrival, she found police officers. When they opened the door she found her husband lifeless. After postmortem was conducted it was confirmed that he died of liver disease.

She has never experienced happiness in her marriage. She has urged couples to live peacefully with each other.

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