Raila Odinga crie

Raila Odinga’s Bid For AU Top Seat In Limbo Over New Rules That Might Lock Him Out

By Frank Kamuntu

Kenya;s ODM leader Raila Odinga’s bid to become the next chairperson of the Africa Union Commission is facing new hurdles.

The proposed changes aim to reform the election for the heads of the continental body’s secretariat and make it more efficient.

“Any member state that occupied a position from that region should be ineligible for future elections until all member states of the region served as members of the senior leadership of the commission,” the proposal reads.

According to the previous arrangement, the seat is rotational; hence, the next chairperson should come from the Eastern Africa region.

But going by the proposed changes, Kenya and Rwanda will be ineligible to contest as they have previously held the position of deputy chairperson since the AU Commission was created in 2002.

Kenya held the AU Commission deputy chairman’s seat between 2008 and 2017 through Erastus Mwencha.

Former prime ministers’ fate now lies in the heads of state and governments, who will have the final say on the proposed changes.

As per tradition, AU decisions are made by consensus, which means a single ‘No’ prevents the decision from becoming formal law.

“It is not yet law. The process of validating and publishing decisions takes long. The final decision will reflect members’ will,” an official said

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