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Full List: Gen Museveni Promotes Over 800 UPDF Offficers

By Frank Kamuntu

His Excellency the President and Commander in Chief of the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces has promoted 898 and confirmed 20 Senior and Junior Officer ranks of the UPDF as follows:

  1. Colonel to Brigadier General                               –        05
  2. Acting Colonel to Colonel                                    –        03
  3. Lieutenant Colonel to Colonel                             –        15
  4. Acting Lieutenant Colonel to Lieutenant Colonel –        03
  5. Major to Lieutenant Colonel                                 –        10
  6. Acting Major to Major                                           –        10
  7. Captain to Major                                                   –        63
  8. Acting Captain to Captain                                     –        04
  9. Lieutenant to Captain                                           –        155
  10. Second Lieutenant to Lieutenant                          –        650

    Total                                                                            –       918

The Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) promotions are considered based on several factors, including merit, seniority, and performance. Here are the key considerations:

  1. Merit and Performance:
    • Officers who demonstrate exceptional performance, leadership, and commitment to their duties are often considered for promotions.
    • Merit-based promotions recognize achievements, competence, and contributions to the UPDF.
  2. Seniority:
    • Seniority plays a role in promotions. Officers who have served longer in their current rank may be eligible for promotion to the next rank.
    • However, seniority alone is not sufficient; performance and merit are equally important.
  3. Vacancies and Organizational Needs:
    • Promotions are influenced by vacancies in higher ranks. When positions become available, eligible officers are considered.
    • The UPDF assesses its organizational needs and ensures a balanced distribution of officers across ranks.
  4. Training and Professional Development:
    • Officers who undergo specialized training, attend courses, and enhance their skills are better positioned for promotions.
    • Continuous professional development is encouraged.
  5. Recommendations and Assessments:
    • Commanding officers, superiors, and review boards provide recommendations and assessments.
    • These evaluations consider an officer’s conduct, discipline, and overall suitability for promotion.

Remember that promotions are a significant milestone in an officer’s career, reflecting their dedication and service to the nation.

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