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Ex URA Officer Remanded For ‘Playing Tax Kawukumi’ For 18 Companies, Causing Ugx10B Loss To Gov’t

By Frank Kamuntu

A former URA staff, Aggrey Malongo has been remanded in custody until September 2, 2024 on charges of abuse of office and causing financial loss to the government.

Malongo, 39, a resident of Mukono district appeared before the Anti-Corruption Court presided over by His Worship Abert Asiimwe. The state prosecution alleged that between January and December 2021, Malongo, then a tax officer at URA, adjusted the tax ledgers of 18 companies causing a loss of UGX 10.523 billion to the government.

Malongo pleaded not guilty to the four counts against him. The Magistrate advised the prosecution to expedite inquiries to conclude the case promptly and suggested that Malongo consider a plea bargain if there is implicating evidence against him.

The court also warned Malongo against attempting to bribe anyone to influence the case and instructed his lawyers to appear with substantial sureties during the next court date.

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