Big Story: Top M23 Official Arrested In Uganda Recruiting Refugees For Terror Jobs!

By Frank Kamuntu

A top official of the M23 rebel movement has been arrested in Uganda for recruiting refugees to fight the Congolese government.

The arrest vindicates many organisations, including the UN group of experts on Congo, who accused Uganda of aiding the rebel group.

David Baraka Elonga, whose portfolio is political commissar of the M23/Congo River Alliance, known by its French name Alliance Fleuve Congo (AFC), was arrested on 5 September in the Kyangwali refugee camp.

The displaced persons settlement is located in the midwestern Uganda district of Kibuube, a few kilometres from Lake Albert, the border between Uganda and the DRC.

Mr David was allegedly actively recruiting refugees to participate in military training in DRC to overthrow President Felix Thsisekedi’s regime.

On detectives’ interrogation, Mr Elonga reportedly confirmed that he was reporting directly to the AFC Commander, Corneille Yobeluo Nangaa.

Mr Elonga also reportedly disclosed that he was based in Bunia, Djungu territory in Ituri Province.

“Security found that Baraka had already recruited 32 people including four young girls. The poor refugees were waiting for a vehicle to take them away from the refugee camp to DRC for military training,” said a local official at Kyangwali refugee camp who preferred anonymity to speak freely.

According to local leaders, Mr Baraka allegedly quietly sneaked into Uganda through the porous DRC-Uganda border at Tchomia-Bugoma border point respectively on August 8, 2024.

“The rebel illegally entered Kyangwali refugee camp which is home to more than 137,000 refugees and activated his contacts to recruit as many refugees as possible to return to Congo and fight. The refugees are promised a better life and rewards in future,” an official at the refugee camp said.

Mr Elonga also reportedly disclosed that the refugees were to undertake military training in Bunagana near the borders of Uganda and Rwanda.

Bunagana – a critical border town is controlled by M23 rebels.

Police have since opened charges of human trafficking against Mr Elonga.

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