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Big Hearted! FAWE Uganda Hands Bursaries To 15 Underprivileged Girls To Complete Secondary Education

By Frank Kamuntu

It was a joyful moment on Saturday as the Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) Uganda Country Chapter provided 15 disadvantaged girls with bursaries to help them complete their secondary education. Ms. Muzoora Juliet Atuhaire, Commissioner of Secondary Education, Ministry of Education and Sports, officiated the bursary award ceremony, held at FAWE Uganda headquarters in Bukoto, Kampala.

This initiative is part of the organization’s ongoing 20k For Transformation campaign, which was launched on 5 May 2024. The campaign aims to raise funds to support vulnerable girls who are in secondary school to complete their secondary education. It has successfully raised about UGX 16,000,000 million shillings to assist girls from underprivileged backgrounds who are at risk of dropping out of school due to socio-economic challenges. These girls are in candidate classes, and the bursary helps them to sit their national exams and transit to the next level.

The 20k For Transformation fundraising campaign specifically targets girls who would otherwise face the prospect of leaving school, addressing the critical issue of gender disparity in education. The campaign encourages well-wishers, individuals, institutions and organizations to contribute a minimum of UGX 20,000, to provide support to underprivileged girls.

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Ms. Muzoora Juliet Atuhaire, Commissioner of Secondary Education Presenting The Bursary To Some Of The Beneficiaries

A Ministry of Education and Sports report indicates that the transition rate of girls from secondary school to higher education remains low, with a significant number of them dropping out. Girls often drop out due to various factors such as poverty, early marriage, teenage pregnancy, gender-based violence, and harmful cultural norms and perceptions among others.

In her remarks, Ms. Muzoora Juliet Atuhaire, Commissioner of Secondary Education presented the scholarship award letters to the 10 beneficiaries and commended FAWE for securing a brighter future for these girls.

”Am super thrilled to see that all these 15 people who had lost hope of completing their studies are now going back to their respective schools with zero fees balance, courtesy of the generosity of FAWE and other donors. I pray that these beneficiaries can forego earthly confusion and value this support by focusing on succeeding academically,” said Atuhaire.

She committed herself to continue working with FAWE to uplift girl child education; She called up on Ugandans and Africans in general to join hands with FAWE to ensure that the 20k campaign can continue generating more funds to keep the girls in schools.

FAWE Uganda Executive Director, Ms. Susan Opok Tumusime in her remarks, highlighted the situation faced by girls who, in their pursuit of education, often fall victim to exploitation and negative vices.

“I want to express my gratitude to the FAWE Uganda Alumni Association, FAWE Uganda members, and all well-wishers who have contributed to this campaign so far,” Ms. Tumusime stated. “We must continue to rally support for the girl child, enabling them to complete their secondary education and transition into higher education. An educated girl is an empowered girl, and she represents a tremendous benefit to her community and country.”

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A Parent Of One Of The Underprivileged Child Shedding Tears Of Joy As She Gets Comforted By Executive Director, Ms. Susan Opok Tumusime   

She said that the campaign is not stopping at the 15 girls who got the bursaries today, but will continue running to support more girls.

”Today our Alumni have come with 3.8m and while here, someone topped up 200k now we have Ugx4m from the Alumni association and this brings our total to Ugx16m. These Alumni have gone through this same experience, we supported them and now they have good jobs. So they have got something to bring back home to assist their sisters facing the same challenges they faced,” said Ms. Susan.

She said the 20k campaign beneficiaries have so far joined the hundreds of students who have benefited from programs like; Social Initiative Educate Girls, MasterCard Foundation among many others.

”The 15 girls who have been supported today through your support join the generation of girls who been empowered through education. FAWE Uganda’s campaign contributes to a better society for all, and I call upon people of goodwill to join us to wipe a tear, put a smile, and contribute to a better Uganda in support of this noble cause,” she added.

The parents and beneficiaries of this campaign praised FAWE for the support and noted that this is a stepping stone that they will build on to achieve their life dreams.

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