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Natuhwera Polly, Director Of Zionat Multipurpose Ltd Jailed Over Fraud & Embezzling Ugx648m Gov’t Money

By Frank Kamuntu

State House Anti-corruption unit says working with police have arrested Natuhwera Polly, Director of Zionat Multipurpose Limited, on charges of embezzlement of government money and fraud.

The Unit says in December 2023, a contract was signed between Tororo DLG and M/s Zionat Multipurpose International Limited at UGX 648,323,714 for the construction of Mwello Seed School with a completion date of 30th May 2024.

”The site was handed over in February and an advance payment of UGX 162,080,929 was paid to the contractor. However, he did not start work until 19th April 2024,” says the Unit.

Tororo DLG officials including the District Engineer and CAO made numerous attempts to get to the contractor without any success and also notified him of the intention to terminate the contract. Upon arrest, Natuhwera Polly admitted to diverting part of the UGX 162M to other use.

Investigations have also revealed that whereas during the bidding process, the contractor provided profiles of qualified and registered engineers as project manager and Site Engineer, on the ground he has no qualified and registered engineers doing the work.

”Relatedly, the same contractor has an ongoing contract for the construction of Simu Seed School Phase 11 in Bulambuli district which is also at the foundation level, since the signing of the contract in January 2024 at a cost of UGX 89M,” says the Unit.

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