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Horrific President: N.Korea’s Kim Jong Un Picks 25 Virgins To Satisfy Him In His Annual ‘Pleasure Squad’

By Frank Kamuntu

Sensational and even salacious stories about North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in the Western media are nothing new. And now the British publication Daily Star is claiming that every year North Korea’S supreme leader chooses 25 virgin girls to join his “Pleasure Squad”.

As per the report citing a North Korean defector, Yeonmi Park, these young girls are picked based on their attractiveness.

Park, a 30-year-old who claims to have been scouted twice for the dubious honour of servicing Jong-un, said that to choose the virgins, the leader’s ‘cronies’ visit “every classroom, and they even go to school yards in case they missed someone that was pretty”.

“Once they find some pretty girls, the first thing they do is check into their family status—their political status. They eliminate any girls with family members that have escaped from North Korea, or have relatives in South Korea or other countries,” she added.

Virginity Test

Park has previously said that the Kim dynasty are “paedophiles who expect to be worshipped as gods.”

She claims that once the pretty girls are selected, they are made to go through a virginity test. This, the report claimed, is a detailed medical examination where “even the smallest defect” like a minor scar, leads to disqualification.

The “handful of girls from all around North Korea” who clear all the tests are then sent to Pyongyang where they join the so-called pleasure squad and their “only reason to exist is to please the dictator”.

She further revealed that the ‘Pleasure Squad’ is divided into three: one part is trained in massages, and the second specialises in entertaining through song and dance. The third division is the “sexual activities division,” and has to be “sexually intimate with the dictator, and other men,” said Park.

“They have to learn how to please these men—that’s their only goal,” she said, adding that the most beautiful girls are reserved to attend to the North Korean supreme leader.

The less stunning squad members are made to cater to the needs of lower-ranking generals and politicians.

Why Do People Allow This?

As per the North Korea defector, conditions in the nation are so grim that families happily allow their daughters to be recruited by the squad scouts because it would at least mean that the girls won’t starve.

However, this is only true till the girls reach their mid-twenties. After that, they are married to Kim Jong-un’s bodyguards, and this is considered a privilege.

How Did This ‘Pleasure Squad’ Start?

Apparently, this is not a Kim Jong-un thing. ‘Pleasure Squads’ have been around since the 1970s. Yeonmi Park claims that the previous leader Kim Jong Il believed that “having sexual intimacy with young teenage girls would give him immortality”.

He devised the idea of these “Pleasure squads’ in the 1970s when he would pick pretty girls and place them with his father Kim Il-sung, thinking “he might find that very pleasurable.” This eventually helped him get the throne.

“So he picked beautiful women and put them in resorts that Kim Il-sung visited. Kim Il-sung was so touched that his son thought of his pleasure, and that’s why he nominated Kim Jong Il as his successor,” she claimed.

Soon after, in 1983, he created a similar squad for himself, and the “tradition” was carried forward by the current leader, claimed the report.

However, she said that the make-up of the Pleasure Squads has changed over the years as the three men have different tastes in women. She also said that, if rumours are to be believed, Kim Jong-un’s “wife was originally in the Pleasure Squad”.

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