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Just In: Two Army Officers Feared Dead As Unknown Gunmen Attack Patrol Van

By Frank Kamuntu 

Nigeria: Unknown gunmen reportedly enforcing the Sit-at-home in commemoration of the May 30th have reportedly killed two soldiers following an attack on their patrol van.

Reports gathered that the military men stationed at Obikabia junction, in Aba, Abia state were attacked by masked gunmen numbering over 15 and their van set ablaze.

An eyewitness who spoke to our correspondent, said the military men were outnumbered by the enforcers.

“I don’t know how many of the Army men that died but I have seen two bodies on the floor,” the witness who gave his name as Obinna said.

Continuing, he narrated that “the gunmen came in an SUV jeep and Sienna and attacked the army men at the junction. The gunmen were all masked and they outnumbered the military men killing about two of them.

“As I speak to you now, gunshots rents the air and we have all gone inside. The patrol van of the military men has also been set ablaze by the hoodlums.

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