Ssenyonyi and Among

”Selfishness Is Lingering On Your Medulla”- Speaker Among Blasts Ssenyonyi For Boycotting Gulu Parliament Sitting

By Our Reporter

The Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, has sharply criticized the Leader of the Opposition (LoP), Joel Ssenyonyi, for spearheading a boycott of Parliament’s regional sittings in northern Uganda.

Among condemned the move as a display of selfishness and an affront to the people of northern Uganda. While inaugurating the northern regional sitting at Kaunda Grounds in Gulu City on Wednesday, Speaker Among argued that boycotting such a significant event signals a lack of concern for the region’s residents.

“Gulu, where we are holding this historic sitting, is an integral part of Uganda. Anyone who attempts to deprive the people of northern Uganda of their right to participate in parliamentary proceedings is not acting in the best interests of the nation,” Among stated.

She added, “I hope those opposing this sitting in the north do not come to Gulu during campaign season.”Among also cited Article 92, which grants the Speaker the authority to determine where Parliament will convene.

“Where Parliament sits is where the Speaker is, and wherever the Speaker proclaims, that becomes Parliament. The notion that Parliament must always sit in Kampala is self-centered. Next time, we might even declare the middle of Kampala Road as a parliamentary venue,” she remarked.

Ssenyonyi, who leads the National Unity Platform (NUP) party, has spearheaded the boycott, claiming that the regional sittings are a waste of taxpayers’ money, estimating the cost at UGX 5 billion per region.

Despite this, some opposition legislators, including five from NUP, have opted to participate in the Gulu sitting. In Ssenyonyi’s absence, Kimanya-Kabonera MP Dr. Abed Bwanika stepped forward, declaring his readiness to lead the opposition during the three-day session in Gulu.

“Article 82A (1) provides that there shall be a Leader of the Opposition. Since Joel Ssenyonyi is not here, Dr. Abed Bwanika is ready and competent to assume this role,” Bwanika said.

Addressing concerns about the alleged extravagant spending, Speaker Among clarified that the regional sittings are budget-neutral, as they utilize funds allocated for parliamentary outreach activities. “Contrary to some misinformation, these sittings are not incurring additional costs. The decision to upgrade the usual parliamentary outreaches into full House sittings was made after a thorough cost-benefit analysis,” she explained.

Speaker Among emphasized the importance of the regional sittings, noting that they are designed to address issues specific to each region. “Each region in Uganda faces unique challenges. These sittings allow us to focus on those specific issues and ensure that resolutions are made for the Government to implement,” she added.

The northern regional sitting will continue on Thursday, with President Yoweri Museveni expected to attend. Speaker Among mentioned that Parliament’s leadership would present some of the issues identified during the sitting to the President for his response during his address.

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