OP-ED: The Importance Of Inclusivity In The ‘Transition’ Debate For Ugandans; Say No To A Forced Transition

By Hakim Kyeswa

Since the 2021 elections, in which President Museveni emerged victorious despite the electoral manipulation by the National Unity Platform (NUP), discussions around a political “transition” have gained traction among various opposition groups and even some members within the National Resistance Movement (NRM). These discussions often centre stage on the desire for President Museveni to step down.

While the idea of a transition is not inherently negative, those advocating for it must do so with integrity and a genuine commitment to Uganda’s welfare, rather than pursuing personal or partisan interests. For the debate to be constructive, it must prioritize the nation’s needs above all else.

It is quite concerning to see the manner in which the concept of transition is being handled by PLU. If their aim truly is to achieve a peaceful and lawful transition, they should not obstruct other individuals’ ideas regarding the matter. It is disheartening to see that anyone who proposes an alternative idea is subjected to insults, abuse, and intimidation.

This is not the kind of transition that Uganda deserves after President Museveni. The process must begin by creating an open and inclusive environment for all stakeholders to present their views and opinions. Even if disagreements arise, it does not mean that we are enemies, as there are lawful ways to choose our leaders.

In my opinion, Uganda is not yet ready for a transition while President Museveni is still capable of leading the country. When the time is right, all parties must come together to discuss a peaceful and lawful transition without limiting the debate to one person, as if Uganda is a monarchy.

After assessing everything, it is clear that the unfinished business of President Museveni outweighs the need for a transition. The process must be well organized and not forced upon us. That is why we firmly reject a forced transition.

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