Butaleja: Frustrated Nurse Locks Two Kids In House, Goes Missing After Failing To Get Promotion

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By Frank Kamuntu

Police officers are looking for Scovia Namataka, a 33-year-old nurse who went missing after failing to make it on the list of those set for promotions.

Namataka is deployed at Busolwe General Hospital, in Busolwe Town, Butaleja District, in the Eastern Region of Uganda.

In a note left behind in her rental room, the medic who has been employed at the above mentioned facility since 2013 decried frustrations over a promotion that never comes.

The events leading up to her disappearance began when she applied for a promotion to a senior nursing position within the hospital.

According to reports Namataka has been hoping to be promoted to an Assistant Nursing Officer in vain.

“More than 10 years of service with added qualifications, no promotion? I can’t even be shortlisted for an interview. Why?” she lamented in the note.

The missing nurse locked her two children aged three years and six months in the house before wafting away to an unknown location.

Namataka’s disappearance came to light when fellow medics heard her children crying bitterly in the house and went to investigate.

According to the District Criminal Investigation Department, efforts to contact the mother were not fruitful as her phone was switched off.

She Has Been Conned Twice Over Promotions

Relatives disclosed that Namataka had hoped to rise through the ranks after going back to school to upgrade her education.

They also revealed that she started getting distressed after allegedly being conned twice by people who promised to get her the promotion.

The disappearance has not only left her family, friends, and colleagues deeply concerned, but also cast light on the recruitment board in Butaleja district.

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