Museveni Appoints Josephine Okui Ossiya On BoU Board

By Frank Kamuntu

Parliament has on Thursday vetted Ms. Josephine Okui Ossiya who has been nominated by HE. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to join the Bank of Uganda Board.

The appointment has been confirmed by the Deputy Speaker of Parliament Hon Thomas Tayebwa saying the results of their vetting will be handed over to the Appointing Authority.

”I chaired Parliament’s Committee on Appointments to vet the Presidential nominee for the Bank of Uganda board, Ms. Josephine Okui Ossiya, this morning. The Committee will communicate its decision to the appointing authority,” said Tayebwa.

It’s worth noting that since the demise of Prof. Emmanuel Mutebile, the Bank of Uganda has been in the hands of the Deputy Governor Mr. Michael Atingi-Ego.

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Kandwanaho Robert July 6, 2023 at 4:16 pm

All the best Josephine

kutosi peter July 6, 2023 at 4:59 pm

Thank you so much our president for remembering young generation, May God grant you blessings.


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