God Blessed Me Through Your Ignorance: Gov’t Worker Accidentally Paid Over 360 Times Refuses To Cough Back Money

By Frank Kamuntu

What would you do if you got paid more than 360 times your normal salary? Would you give it back?

Well, a Hungarian man found himself in this predicament and reportedly said ‘hell no’ to returning the cash and is on a mission to keep as much as he can.

The man is from Somogy County of the European nation.

According to “Hvg.hu”, he was accidentally paid €92,549 by Kaposvár, the company he worked for.

He has now been taken to court over the dispute, with the Somogy County Prosecutor’s Office charging the man after he allegedly refused to return the money.

“When the company quickly recognised the error, they contacted the man and asked for a refund, but the man said he did not have access to his account,” according to the Hvg.hu report.

“However, according to a statement from the Prosecutor General’s Office, the defendant withdrew a large amount of cash from an ATM in Kaposvár and then transferred it into another bank account.”

The defendant is accused of unauthorised appropriation, faces a fine, and must pay damages.

They were able to freeze his bank account with the aid of the Kaposvár District Prosecutor’s Office and set up the return of the money in the account to the business.

This case is similar to the Chilean man who was paid 286 times his wages and before the company could do anything, the individual high-tailed it and disappeared without a trace.

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