66yr Old Man Hammers Wife To Death For Denying Him ”Kaboozi”

By Frank Kamuntu

The Territorial Police in Greater Masaka and Ssembabule district, have in custody, a one Kyeyune Aloysius, a 66 year old peasant of Kyambogo village, Nyabitanga sub-county in Sembabule district, for the alleged murder by hacking of his wife, Nassazi Glades, aged 40, over conjugal rights and cheating.

According to Uganda Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga says the incident happened on the 8.8.2023 at around 4pm.

He says the couple has been having a toxic relationship and sleeping in separate rooms. On the fateful day, the suspect picked a hoe and hit the victim on the head, killing her instantly.

”The motive of the killing was established to be jealously, after the suspect accused his wife of denying him, his conjugal rights and cheating on him, with other men in their marital home,” says Enanga adding;

”We continue to strongly condemn such marital murders. The victim died in a violent manner, after she was hit with a hoe on the head. We cannot tolerate such violent acts in relationships and the wider community.”

In another news, the Territorial Police in Aswa East Region and Pader district, has put up a serious manhunt for, Christopher Ali Bongonyonge, the LC 2 Chairman, for Acumu Ward, Acholi bar Town council in Pader district, for the Aggravated Defilement of his 15 year old, step-daughter, on the 7.08.2023, at around midnight.

The facts gathered indicate that the suspect, a step father to the victim returned home, picked a panga and started accusing her of indulging in love affairs, with boys in the village. He forced the victim to sleep in the same room with him. And at around midnight, he woke her up and tasked her, to lead him to her boy friend’s home. Along the way, the suspect dragged the victim to the nearby bush and defiled her, then returned home. The victim narrated her ordeal to her relatives and the matter reported to Acholibur CPS in Pader district.

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