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Shake Up: Tumwesigye Replaces Tukwasibwe As New Deputy East African Contingent Commander

By Frank Kamuntu

The Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces Contingent under the East African Regional Force (EACRF) welcomed a new deputy Contingent Commander, Lt Col Frank Tumwesigye at a function that was held at its headquarters in Niongera Kiwanja of Rutshuru territory in North Kivu-DRC.

The Contingent Commander, Colonel Michael Walaka Hyeroba in his remarks welcomed his deputy and called for teamwork amongst his troops. “As UGACON’s family, I urge you all to cooperate with my deputy so that we work together as a team so as to achieve our mandate as required of EACRF,” said Col Hyeroba.

Lt Col Frank Tumwesigye thanked the UPDF leadership for the new deployment under EACRF and promised to work closely with the entire EACRF Forces in the fulfillment of the EACRF Mandate.

Lt Col Frank Tumwesigye assumes office as the UGACON Deputy Contingent Commander replacing Lt Col Henry Kakuru Tukwasibwe.

The Uganda Contingent together with the EACRF remains committed to the fulfillment of its mandate and to ensure the safety of the civilians and humanitarian aid workers.


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