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Police Arrest Three In Lyantonde Over Cattle Theft, 23 Calves Retrived

By Patience Ampaire

Lyantonde police has retrieved 23 calves from suspected thieves who were planning to transport them to Buyende district-Swift Daily News reports.

ASP Douglas Kiwanuka the Lyantonde district OC police station, said that the suspects were intercepted in Kinuuka Subcounty, coming from Kyenshama village.

”As we were doing patrols, we found a vehicle registration number UC483C carrying cows but most of them were calves which forced us to stop them for inquiry. We found they had no document about ownership of these calves,” said Kiwanuka.

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Suspected Thieves

The suspects include; Muwada Kasim, Kambugu Mohammad and Milo Kasim. All have since been kicked behind coolers.

ASP Kiwanuka advised locals to be vigilant, especially during the forthcoming festivities because cases of animal theft are likely to be high.

”Meanwhile, we want to caution everyone, that a cow to be transported to another area, should be accompanied by the LC1 chairperson’s recommendation letter,” cautioned Kiwanuka.

Sserukera Jackson the chairperson LC3 Kinuuka Sub-county said that there is a by-law that restricts traders from buying cows without letters from chairpersons or sub-county chiefs.

”If you see someone transporting animals at night, you should report immediately to the police for a quick response,” Sserukera urged locals.

He added that thieves also slaughter animals and transport them using cans ‘as if it’s milk’ and take meat in town for sale, a trick that farmers and security personnel should be aware of.

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