IMG 4328

UBTEB: We Need More Girls In Tertiary Schools

By Caroline Kanshabe

The Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board has revealed strides in the new curriculum where learners completing primary seven can now join tertiary institutions.

The technical schools and college heads however urge the government to consider refurbishing and creating more infrastructure as numbers continue to increase in tertiary institutions.

Technical colleges provide specialized training and education in specific vocational areas, such as engineering, healthcare, information technology, automotive and culinary arts among others. This allows students to acquire practical skills that are directly applicable to their chosen profession.

According to the UBITEB executive secretary Oyesigye Onesmus, this year’s assessment is on an individual basis for both practical and theory parts in all tertiary institutions, unlike the past group assessment.

Oyesigye reveals that primary seven leavers can as well enrol in tertiary institutions and highlights the need for the government and parents to empower the girl child to enrol for technical education for life skills.

According to the principal of Kakiika Technical Institute Mubingi Albert Musiinguzi, the new curriculum offers several benefits, giving a student a chance to be assessed after six months and awarded a certificate.

He adds that as the numbers in tertiary institutions increase, the government needs to consider giving them more infrastructure.

Students undergoing training in electronics, carpentry and joinery, building and construction share their experience with the new curriculum.

Credit: Nile Post

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