By Frank Kamuntu
Whether you want to admit it or not, there are some foods that, no matter what, go right to your gut and cause what feels like nearly instant weight gain. Yes, we’re talking about dreaded belly fat.
There’s a reason why we all hate belly fat—we all know how hard it is to get rid of once it shows up.
This type of weight gain is referred to as “deep fat tissue,” and it can even lead to some more serious issues, such as heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s.
Where your body ends up storing excess calories as fat depends on your hormones, and some unhealthy foods trigger just the exact right hormonal reaction. You could say that they hit you in the gut—literally.
So which foods are some of the “insta-belly” culprits? Here is a breakdown of the foods and drinks that are the biggest offenders of giving you lasting belly fat. Read on, and for more on how to be your healthiest, check out these 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.

Instead, sip on some white tea. This brew blocks the formation of new fat cells and helps the body break down stored fat, according to a nutrition and metabolism study. That means that even when you overindulge, it’s harder for your body to store the excess calories in your body.

Instead, your best bet is to stick with plain ol’ H2O. But there is a way to add some flavor to those cups of water. You can add fresh sliced fruit like oranges and grapefruit. The key, though, is to keep the peels on: citrus peels are rich in the antioxidant d-limonene, a powerful compound that helps flush out toxins from the body and allows it to release stored visceral fat.

Coffee alone isn’t bad for your waistline, but if you’re frequently sipping on frozen coffee drinks, you’ve just met your problem. Most of the time, these high-calorie drinks are packed with sugar and dairy. Plus, a 2017 study published in Public Health found that nearly 70% of coffee drinkers had their cup of Joe with caloric add-ins including sugar and creamers.

Any fat-laden bad carb-fest will make you gain weight, but there’s something almost magical about the effects of fried spuds on your body’s fat-storage system. And by magical, we don’t mean in a good way. See, one longitudinal Harvard study found that people who ate fries regularly gained more than three pounds of body weight every four years; throughout the study, the french fry eaters gained 13 pounds of belly flab from fries alone!
So what can you have instead? Homemade sweet potato fries that are baked, not fried. A simple swap that will keep that belly fat away.

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